Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Baby log...

My poor little munchkin has been dealing with a runny nose and slight congestion for about a week now. Today he sounds like Darth Vadar and it just makes my heart break! You can tell he doesn't feel good but he doesn't have a fever. Looking for anything to help him I picked up some saline nose drops at the drug store and those seemed to help a little bit. How do you know when to call the doctor? How do you know if it is actually a cold or simply signs of teething? He is being a trooper through all of this. He still has his smiley/giggly/squeals of happiness moments but they are followed by snorts and coughs and sniffles and congested breathing. About to go set up the humidifier to see if that will help him during his nap.....I'll let you know how it goes! Just pray for my little man. I know this wet and chilly weather isn't helping either. Any suggestions would be great!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wheelin and Dealin!

So, my latest addiction has been and subscribe and save. On Amazon you can sign up for free as "Amazon Mom" and get some nice discounts, then you can sign up for "subscribe and save" and shop for necessity items like toilet paper, diapers, toothpaste, soap, paper towels, and even groceries and save even more! You just set up how often you want to receive shipments (I get my diapers delivered to my door once every 2 months and I got to choose which day of the month!) and Voila! you save alot of money not to mention time and gas!!! My goal is to get most of our necessity items set up like this so that I know exactly what we spend on each thing every month and budget accordingly! Talk about awesome!! So far, I order my diapers (Luvs heavy dooty box of over 200 diapers) every 2 months and pay $30 and shipping is free! I recently added toilet paper to my subscribe and save subscriptions and got Charmin ultra strong 40 rolls and paid $.60 a roll and of course free shipping!! I also recently added soap to my subscriptions. I got 24 bars of Lever 2000 bar soap and paid $.60 a bar and of course...I got free shipping!! The next things I am wanting to add are toothpaste and deodorant. But won't add those till we actually need them....did I mention shipping was free and your order arrives sometimes within 48 hours?? Yeah! It's just that cool!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Been A While!!

Well, here we are at the 9th day of 2012. I have not written on my blog in forever! So much has happened and life has gotten so much richer! On August 2nd 2011 we welcomed our adorable little boy, Aaron James into the world! He has been a true delight and a joy to our hearts and lives! Each day is a new discovery and a new experience for him and I am loving being his mommy! Here are a couple of pictures....the first is when he was brand new and the second is now...our healthy 5 month old little man!