Thursday, March 25, 2010

Excitingly crazy weekend!!

So, this weekend is going to be nuts!!! We are having a work day on Saturday starting at 10am!! Going to move all of our boxes that are on the 1st floor down to the basement and then we are going to get painting and crown moulding up and possibly even do some demolition to the kitchen (tearing down cabinets!!). Before Saturday I gotta get all of my kitchen gadgets boxed up and all of our canned goods boxed up and put in the back room that we are not doing anything to this weekend. Then I need to get the front bedroom free of boxes and move Mr. Darcy (my beloved cat) down to the basement (litter box and food bowl). He will love this because I can't keep him out of the basement now. He loves to go down there. I am waiting for the blessed day when he catches his first mouse!! We have deadlines now for the kitchen remodel which is awesome!! It looks like my house will be completed before the end of August!! We will sign on the dotted line for the process of my kitchen to begin the end of April and that usually takes 10-12 weeks! Before that we will have all the painting complete and the hardwood floors and carpet installed!!! I am so excited!!!! I will post pictures as soon as possible! And my lovely laundry room will be up and running and functionable after Monday night!!!! Oh how I love progress!!! Plus, Dad and Kathy and Kate are coming next weekend. It is going to be nuts!!! But fun!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Still under the weather!!!

Unfortunately, I got myself not feeling so swell!! I came down with a minor head cold on Saturday night and so Drew and I spent our Sunday sleeping and making sure we both took our meds!! Haha!! Totally felt like an old couple! Today (Monday) I am feeling better. Have an annoying cough, but thats it. Drew is home still playing the Nintendo Wii and can't talk. Pray he gets to feeling better soon. I love having him home, but I feel like I can't get anything done!! Is this what happens for other wives?? On the brighter and weirder side I was working out this morning and turned towards our big windows and there were humoungous beautiful puffy snowflakes falling from the sky! I could hardly believe my eyes! It is almost April and I live in the SOUTH!!! How crazy!! Well, hopefully we will see sunny skies and happier weather here soon!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Poor Hubby!

My dear Hubby came down sick on Wednesday. When I took him to the doctor the doctor said he has strep, croup, and an ear infection. Pretty much he is miserable!! Hopefully he will get to feeling better really soon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our first family blog post!!

Ok, so I am not new to the fun of blogging, I have one out there somewhere. I believe the address is But that was a different chapter in my life. Drew and I have been married for almost 3 years and have been trying to start a family for a long time. We lost our first baby to miscarriage when I was 12 weeks along. We found out we had miscarried on my husbands birthday last year. Since then God has comforted us in ways we could not have imagined!! We want to use this blog to share how God works in our lives in amazing ways!! We do not know what tomorrow may bring or what an hour from now will be like, but we can rest knowing that our God is in complete control!! This blog will be about our happily ever after and about the journey of life and love and tears and how with God all things are possible!